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Sunday, February 25, 2007

Machadodorp Musings I

Sitting in the car on the corner of General Smit and Potgieter streets in Machadadorp four things catch my eye:
  • the hawkers across the road selling fruit and other food under the tree - there were others on other intersections
  • the empty buildings all around
  • the two new buildings each with 4 rooms with road facing counters
  • the two guys down the street changing Potgieter street to Batana Jele street
and one my ear
Together they lead to questions that are important to success in South Africa
  • why do we move so slowly
  • why does development not reach the "Machada dorps" of South Africa
  • why don't we learn from others
that maybe link back to one answer
  • we don't have capacity and expertise in the organisations spending the money
with one solution
  • truly involve those who used to do the job as mentors and teachers for those who now have to do it.

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