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Friday, February 2, 2007

Identifying Africa's Constraints Now?

The following is an extract from NEPAD's newsletter which I receive by email. It is not archived on their site - that stopped in February 2006.

Is this not our problem in Africa - after 5 years of NEPAD and 7 of the African Union, do we really still have to create "a common understanding of capacity gaps and constraints" and outline a "process" "towards developing a strategy".

Another high level group is going to meet for 3 days, probably from the Addis Sheraton, to continue identifying, analysing, formulating and conceptualising; not even reaching concretising and planning let alone the implementation stage.

I believe we have the international Development and NGO community to thank for this they have overdeveloped the planning skills and underdeveloped the doing skills through their systems.

1 comment:

Gledwood said...

I'd never heard of the African Union until the Sudan crisis hit ... I bet you could post some things about that?? If it has ANYTHING in common with the EU. The EU is a wonderful idea but TOTALLY & UTTERLY UNDEMOCRATIC at heart ... which, considering it was only developed, at face value, to sell coal and stuff, is quite excusable ... (or inexcusable??) ... anyhow I just hopped into your blog nextnext from mine ... I'm at You're welcome to drop by. Mine is very different though!!

Take it easy now.

All the Best from
